Build Your Brand – Linkedin Profile

01 August, 2022

Is the CV dead? Not yet… but our online presence has never been more important in our job search. With the power of Linkedin, we can now search and apply for roles and set ourselves up to be headhunted by recruiters and potential employers.

All you need to do is create a complete profile which highlights your best self.


We have summarised an easy 5 step guide to making that perfect profile and really building your brand:

  1. Profile photo – while we really recommend you delete that night out pic with your G&T, don’t be afraid to smile and show both your personality and professionalism. Choose a picture that is sharp and clear, ideally head and shoulders with a neutral background.
  2. Title – make your title clear and searchable (Employers / Recruiters / Industry Contacts don’t often search for Guru or Ninja). We recommend including your level, your job title and your employer e.g. Senior Software Developer at Hayward Hawk Technology.
  3. About Section – this is your chance to give a professional and personal introduction about your career. Talk about your tech stack, your industry, where you are based, what you are learning and contact details.
  4. Experience Section – think of this section as your online CV. Include all information on your employers, dates, roles, tech stack, projects and key achievements. Be sure to keep this up to date with relevant promotions, and all your education, courses and certifications – this is your time to shine!
  5. Personal interests / achievements – are you a secret athlete? Professional pianist? Did you win an award at University? Don’t be afraid to include these things in your profile – they say a lot about you as a person and can make you stand out in the crowd.


Now you have the perfect profile, all you need to do is engage:

  • Connect with as many relevant people in your industry as possible and really grow your network – you never know who you might interact with.
  • Like and comment on other people's posts – not only does this show support, but it will make you visible to all of their connections. This doesn’t have to be anything in great detail and do be mindful that comments should always maintain an air of professionalism.
  • Share your own content – this can be anything from news articles, industry updates or blogs you have written yourself. If you are feeling slightly creative, this is the perfect platform to showcase this.


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