When Are Employees Most Productive?
Are you the type of person who gets to work early to get a head start on everyone else with no distractions? Or are you the type of person who will stay late when everyone else has finished up for the day to blast out some extra emails? What about those who get a solid extra hour in the evening once the kids are in bed?!
There has been a lot of discussion about when and where employees are most productive and this has lead to many discussions linked with hybrid working. Are employees really more productive at home and by getting people back to the office, will employers actually see a raise in productivity?
A survey of 15,000 professionals across the UK showed 40% stating the hours of 10am – 12pm were the most productive, followed by 32% stating the hours of 8am-10am.
43% of professionals said they work most productively in the office, while 41% said they work best at home.
If we break this down, 49% of people in their 20’s said they are most productive in the office, whereas 45% of people in their 30’s preferred working at home for higher productivity.
As we move deeper into 2024, more employees are expected to change their policies to bring people back into the office more often. It is important for employees to note that many employees in NI still say they wouldn’t accept a new job that didn’t offer a hybrid working policy.
These results are very interesting, but it is important to remember that productivity isn’t just about whether an employer offers hybrid working or not. Productivity also includes an employee’s motivations, their routine, work set-up, distractions, diet, sleep, exercise – the list goes on.
All employees are unique and one employee’s work-day and personal life will be significantly different from another’s.
Everyone will have their own opinion on when they are more productive, but as long as the work is done, should an employer really worry about what time of day their employees are most productive?
Ulster Business, (Dec 2023)
When Are You Most Productive?
- Early Bird 8am - 10am (46%)
- 10am - 12pm (30%)
- 2pm - 4pm (6%)
- Night Owl - after 4pm (18%)
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